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The Dental Implants

All information about dental implants

Can you have dental implants if you are a veteran smoker?

If you are looking for the answer to the above question, you’ve just stumbled across the right spot. You’ve come to the exact place with the exact piece of writing without wishing to sound conceited. So, let’s get started with the topic without beating around the bush anymore. If you are a veteran smoker, you can consider the dental implants without any doubts & concerns.


As you know that smoking for years leaves smokers with terrible side effects over time, dental implants may or may not work for you if you are also one among them. There are two situations that need to be taken into account. You want dental implants and give up smoking after that. You want dental implants but you think you can’t help stopping your addiction to smoking. In the latter case, you will not be able to get the desired outcome that can be expected from dental implants.


The studies show that people who continue smoking after dental implants had to lose their dental implants earlier than their actual lifespan. Dental implants on most smokers – who have systematically ruined their oral health often go failed for sensitive but obvious reasons. Finally, if you are a smoker and you need dental implants as you have missed your teeth that you need to chew food and speak clearly, you must make up your mind to give up smoking for good otherwise there will be no benefit from dental plants.

Reduced blood flow, harm to the glands of the saliva and keratosis are a few common side effects caused by smoking for a long period. As a result of inhaling smoke, the layer of skin cells is badly affected. Those whom smokers have dry mouths most of the time; it invites the entry of germs and bacteria causing gum diseases.

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